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- Having a personal relationship with the investee company is the chief way SV curates its prospective investees.  This is a necessary approach to understand the investees' personalities, ethics and beliefs, even before we discuss investments. 


Our mantra: "first the match, then the business".

- In 2013, SV started an Accounting outfit to provide Corporate Secretarial and Accounting services to small businesses.  Click here for website.  This grassroots-approach gained us invaluable insights into a magnitude of businesses and investment opportunities.  SV invested into the most viable ones.  The technical DD was conducted thereafter.  

"The match --> the pitch --> the technical DD"

- The technical DD is the audit of representations made by the prospective investee during the pitch.  It focuses on salient areas such as Branding, Human Resource, Law, Accounting & Finance.  If the investee does not make it through the DD phase, the investment may not materialise.

- The investor relies on the DD to make the decision to invest.  The process can take anywhere from 1 to 3 months, longer if red flags are spotted.  Click here for FAQ and here for the Funding Roadmap.

SEED Ventures looks at the following areas during its DD checks:

- Marketing & branding

  • Is there a marketing roadmap? 

  • How is the advertising budget planned out?

  • What is the company's corporate identity?

- Human Resource

  • Does SV have an existing relationship with the prospective investee?

  • Are the employment contracts, Terms of Reference & KPIs for key appointment holders properly planned out?

  • How is the morale amongst colleagues and shareholders currently?

- Law

  • Internal. Are the shareholder agreements in place?

  • External. Are the service contracts with the clients properly written?

  • Are there implied, foreseeable or existing lawsuits?

- Accounting & Finance

  • Compliance checks.  Is the company compliant to the authorities?

  • Do the profitability numbers add up?  What does the balance sheet currently look like?

  • How are the internal controls?

  • Is there a financial roadmap?

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